Quiz: Attempt the quiz if you are a fan of Free Guy star Ryan Reynolds

A test footage created using CGI at Blur Studios in 2012 with Ryan Reynolds' voice was leaked in 2014 which led to the studio green-lighting a movie which was in development hell till that point. Name the movie. *

Ryan Reynolds purchased the Welsh football club Wrexham AFC in 2020 along with which actor from the TV series It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? *

The director of the Ryan Reynolds starrer 'Buried' cited this Alfred Hitchcock movie as one among the many inspirations. The movie involved two people committing a murder and hiding the body in a large antique wooden chest. Name the movie. *

In which TV series did Ryan Reynolds appear as the teenager Jay "Boom" DeBoom? *

Which artist named three characters in her 2020 song after the children of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively?

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