Quiz: The ultimate quiz for the hardcore DC animated films and TV shows fan

Justice League: War is a 2014 direct-to-video animated superhero film. It is an adaptation of the story Justice League: Origin by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. The movie features the formation of the Justice League to counter the threat of which supervillain?

This supervillain was portrayed by Mark Strong in the 2011 film Green Lantern. Victor Garber voiced this character in the 2009 American direct-to-video animated superhero film Green Lantern: First Flight. Name the character.

Superman: Doomsday is a 2007 American adult-animated superhero film adapted from the DC Comics storyline "The Death of Superman", which focuses on the death and return of the superhero Superman. Name the actor who voiced Superman in the movie, who is known for his performances in various TV series.

Son of Batman is a direct-to-video animated superhero film and is an adaptation of Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert's 2006 ‘Batman and Son storyline. In the film, after discovering that he has a son named Damian, he enlists his son as the newest Robin before they attempt to stop Deathstroke's ultimate scheme. Damian is the biological son of Bruce Wayne and ________. Fill in the blank.

Nathan Fillion is known for providing his voice to the character of Hal Jordan/Green Lantern in various DC Comics animated films. He also voiced another DC Comics character in a 2009 direct-to-DVD animated superhero film. Name the character.

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